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MONSTER DESIGN - So many excellent CGI and puppet monsters
MONSTER ORIGINALITY - Some insect like monsters but so intricately done!
MONSTER FEAR FACTOR - Some minor jumps and creepy critters.
PRACTICAL EFFECTS - An amazing early ant critter and some fantastic ooey gooey fun.
CGI/ANIMATION - For me, some absolute top drawer CGI work
FX MAKEUP - When are people "too cleaned," for the scene? Loved the vein work though.
STORY - This was a touch above a Disney Pixar film for me.
CHARACTERS - Loved the variance of characters that was lightly seasoned by trope-esque characters.
DIALOGUE - Love the whimsey. Got a bit emotional and that maybe was a bit heavy handed.
I highly recommend this film. An amazing monster flick that is steeped in the modern beauty of CGI and unique critter creations. I rarely give out a "10," and there were just some elements for me in this film that could not be beat. The places in which this film scored low for me were in storyline (nothing too monumental here) and some of the inconsistent make-up. With that, there were many comedic moments met with romance and adventure. I almost want to put this film in a similar ballpark to
Jurassic Park in the wilderness factor. I loved watching the monsters in slow motion and learning about each and every creature was intriguing. This is a strong, strong example of a modern creature feature.
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