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The film fact phenom, pop-culture prince, quote king, grammar guru, master of media, he's Niko Pearson, the movie man and he's one of Bite Night's finest. His database of film knowledge is deep, just like his mastery of word craft, so any creature feature that finds itself under his gaze better buckle up. He'll tear you up with a rabid review that'll read smoother than Kendrick Lamar lyrics.

"Well made and wonderfully atmospheric, it's clear to see from the very beginning that Apostle is going to be, at the very least, an entertaining experience. The direction is thoughtful and deliberate, the score is fresh and effectively skin crawling, and the performances are wonderfully committed"
"The Bye Bye Man sets itself up to be serviceable creepy fare, but quickly loses what precious little steam it has to begin with. Sound albeit familiar ideas are watered down to the point of being wasted, and the absurd ineptitude of its wholly unlikable characters locks it into a frustrating holding pattern that drags through most of the film's runtime. Even the Bye Bye Man himself is a let down as he never really lives up to the haunting dread established by his own premise. Not to sound needlessly existential, but by the time things wrap up, one can't help but wonder what the point of any of it was"
"#Alive has good ideas, but it settles for a half-measured approach that denies it of the flare and nuance that could have otherwise defined it. The film also wastes too much runtime on downtime, accentuating its failure to better explore the genuinely interesting elements of its apocalypse".
"The film seems desperate to deliver a heady experience but with smug, nonsensical dialogue, substanceless characters, and a poorly stapled together plot, there isn't much to think about. It's a hodgepodge of bits and ideas grifted from films that made far better use of those elements."
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