I think I was maybe exploring my serious artistic filmmaker side with this one. Highlights include me and dad beating the snot out of each other and Erika doing her best to take the insanity seriously. The bloopers are gold.
Another 48 hour film slammer, with a beautiful ensemble performance from Erika, Dad and Linda. And an even more impressive display of patience from Erika.
Just a classic snow day gathering at Ben's house, plus some bonus unedited material which is basically me asking Travis if he's filming for about 17 minutes straight. Patience of a saint, Travy.
This one starts with Jake running full tilt into the bank off the side of the snowmobile trail and ends with Ben mysteriously becoming entangled in his bike frame.
This is the one where we took Davey's snowmobile and built us a big kicker and tow set up out in travy's grandparent's field. Also some good jib sessions at Ben's house.
Mondo patience and acting chops from Erika, some of that classic quick-wit Mr. Haehnel writing and... I don't know I do the puppy dog eyes for like 5 minutes straight.
Dad and my first shot at a 48 hour film slam and we went REAL dark with it. Took the "Best Editing" award though. And with the most outdated software of any of the teams.
This for sure was for some class, but which one I have know Idea. The important thing is it has Jenna's impeccable impersonation of the "ho-kay so" guy and Rog and Steph going at it with inflatable bop-its.
Big winter Shredd vid here. Some good knee sleddin' and seshin' on that little kicker to the right of the cliff at Ben's house and the tiny tykes house at Travy's.
This one's super cute right up to the point where I pigeon-hole myself and a few of my closest friends by putting them in goofy clothes and floating nasty little stereotypes above their heads.
48 hour Film Slam and I'm pretty sure another first place winner at that. In this one dad's an alien, but... I mean he's kind of an alien in all of them.
Travy and Jake face off in the streets, midnight club style, meanwhile teddy rides a hammock like its a broomstick and mutters the Harry Potter theme song under his breath.
I mean, in my book, this is Shredders: The Movie. It's got it all. Super nostalgia hit right here ya'll. If you don't watch the whole thing you must skip to 3 minutes and 22 seconds. YOU MUST.