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Makena Schwab & Sophie Erickson
4 Minutes
Follow young Phoebe as she ventures into a maze she finds in the forest. She soon discovers this labyrinth is not what it appears to be, as she is soon hunted by something lurking within.
BullSpider is a Story Sparrow Collaborative project. This film was created by Makena Schwab and Sophie Erickson and is a short stop motion horror film that has been in production for the last year. The film follows young Phoebe as she ventures into a maze she finds in the forest. She soon discovers this labyrinth is not what it appears to be as she is soon hunted by something lurking within.
BullSpider is an exploration into dark fantastical storytelling with the aid of highly technical puppets and set design. BullSpider originated from a dream, which then guided the nightmarish mood and tone which appeared in the final rendered film.
Story Sparrow Collaborative is an independent animation collective focused on narrative storytelling. So far as a team, we have primarily focused on stop motion animation. But we are a media studio interested in exploring a variety of animation mediums.
Created by Makena Schwab & Sophie Erickson
Makena Schwab
- Lead Editor, concept designer, animator, set fabricator, puppet fabricator
Sophie Erickson
- Lead animator, Editor, Set fabricator, Puppet fabricator
Editing Assistant, Set Fabricator - Makenzie Willett
Assistant, Set Fabricator
Costume Fabrication - Charlotte Hardy
Animation Assistant - Autumn Noel
Set Fabrication - Izzy Marchesi
Set fabrication - Margaux Lewis
Sound design - Emre Okan
Soundtrack - Tokyo Penguin
Charlotte Hardy - Phoebe
Coty Mickle - BullSpider
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