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HORROR DESIGN - Like a deformed TMNT
FX AND HMU - pregnant belly and some REAL bad zits
COSTUME AND SET DEC - Just a lot of bathing suits in the desert.
ORIGINALITY - pretty poor
TONE - It was consistent but just not good.
PACING - Not a lot happens in the first hour...
DIALOGUE - Tremendously rough.
CHARACTERS - Egregious.
STORY - Rock falls in yard. It smells. Let's get rid of it!
EXECUTION - just not successful.
This was a poorly crafted film. The acting was some of the worst I've ever seen and the dialogue was worse. If you are looking for a film to intrigue you, keep searching but if you are looking for some weirdness, a meat curtain, and a lot a lot of asking yourself "why am i watching this film?" then you've found it!
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